The most common skin tumors: Basal cell cancer, Squamous cell cancer and Malignant melanoma.  These tumors occur as a result of the transformation of certain cells in various layers of the skin, into cancer through changes in their character.  They occur more in the head and neck region than in other parts of the body they are exposed to sun more.  Sun rays, solarium lights, ultraviolet lamps can cause skin cancer.  Apart from this, it is frequency is higher in certain genetic disorders, light-skinned people, those go under radiotherapy, those with chronic wounds, and those with immune deficiency.

Basal cell cancer is the most benign among them and it does not spread to its periphery and can easily be treated through surgery.

On the other hand, squamous cell cancer is an advanced type and is likely to spread to regional lymph nodes.  The treatment is to remove the tumor from the appropriate borders surgically and to remove the lymph nodes, if necessary.

Malignant melanoma is the type demonstrating the worst prognosis.  However, highly successful results can be obtained if treated appropriately and consciously by the specialists in this field.

The individuals shall inspect themselves and pay attention to skin lesions that did not exist before.

Changes in the existing nevi can be a sign of change of character in those lesions.

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